Asarum Retreats ~ Sanctuary for the Soul ~ Santa Barbara, California
Are you searching for your life's purpose? Do you hear your soul's voice? Do you need a safe, tranquil, nourishing environment in which to listen and reflect?
Life's situations and transitions can be challenging, especially if we are not aligned with our inner calling. Several of us may still be trying to find out just where we belong in life, while others of us may have fallen out of alignment somewhere along the line without even realizing it. This is easy to do, especially in Western society, so periodically we need to get ourselves realigned. That's where I come in. I can help with the alignment process.
If you have the feeling that there is something greater, deeper, or more meaningful in your life than what you are experiencing, or, if you feel everything is going great but something just isn't right and you can't quite figure out what's wrong, I invite you to call me. We get those "lost, anxious, depressed, or uncertain" feelings and sensations when some part of our being has been hijacked, or is denied. This often happens on an unconscious level, thus our struggle when trying to figure it out by ourselves.
I work with you to explore, tackle, and manage underlying issues or energies causing feelings of disharmony in your life, work, and relationships. By engaging in creative therapeutic approaches with a shamanic sensibility, we work together and seek to reveal that which lies beneath consciousness—that which sabotages, controls, and/or cries out to be listened to and honored. The primary healing approaches with which I engage include dream tending, theater and cinema therapy, and talk therapy.
Here’s a brief sketch of those processes:
(1) Dream tending serves as a vehicle to the unconscious. By delving into the unconscious via the dream portal, ancestral influences, psychological motives, and emotional drives may be revealed. Once brought to the surface, the underlying issues and concerns can be understood, addressed—and hopefully—healed.
(2) Theater and cinema therapy allow for alternative passages to potentially painful scenarios with which we may have had direct or indirect experience. By transferring our emotionally charged issues into an imaginal story telling sphere, a healthy space may be consciously created wherein we are able to address the pain, or feel the joy within ourselves.
(3) Talk therapy is derived from Sigmund Freud’s “talking cure,” which he coined “psychoanalysis” in the early 19th century. It is a process of an investigation of the mind, and most specifically the unconscious mind. By engaging in talk therapy, underlying motives and drives may be brought to consciousness where they can be acknowledged and addressed.
In my healing practice, I borrow from the theories and teachings of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Sabina Spielrein, James Hillman, Stephen Aizenstat, and various other shamanic and ancestral healers and teachers in my effort to assist you.
Please browse my site and don't hesitate to email or call me if you think I may be able to be of assistance to you.
Warm regards,
Client Sessions

I offer soul tending sessions, including dream tending, creative coaching, and cinema therapy. I also can provide support for your creative and academic endeavors.
The following are examples of areas where I can assist you:
~ Help Navagate through the Dying Process of a Loved One
~ Brainstorm, Soulstorm, Clear Blocks, and Free Creative Energy and Ideas
~ Support and Nurture Your Creative Endeavors through to Fruition
~ Compassionately Address Infidelity Issues and Move through the Complexities of a Triadic Relationship
~ Move Healthily through Life, Career, and Relationship Transitions
~ Navigate through Betrayal to Empowerment
~ Navigate through "Blue Days" and Depressive Cycles and Explore and Address the Underlying Causes
~ Provide Business and Academic Support and Consultation
Please browse my site and if you feel I can be of assistance, send me an email or give me a call.
Client sessions are available via phone, Skype, or in-person.
I look forward to hearing from you.
DrGingerSwanson@gmail.com Tel: 805.886.4716

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©2015 Ginger Swanson